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if you wish to learn more


l.z. piro is a twenty-four year old born-and-raised californian.
she has earned her bachelor of science in business administration.
additionally, she studied psychology and creative writing during her undergraduate. she works at her family's development company and recently obtained her real estate salesperson license.
she plans to pursue law to further her education (eventually).

she most enjoys practicing yoga, attending concerts, reading at the beach, and long drives with good music & loved ones.
 l.z. spends her spare time daydreaming, over-analyzing the world, and sipping iced tea.




still interested to know more? jeez thanks, I'm flattered! my name is lauren zina piro and I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I've always found it difficult - sometimes impossible - 

to talk about what's most important to me, but I'm able to say everything when I write about it.

I'm most open, most honest, most myself through writing.

the contents of this website are an insight to the version of myself most won't know: 

who I completely am. 

all the best to you and yours


all photos taken, edited, and owned by Lauren Piro. do not use without permission.

©2020 by L.Z. Piro. 

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